Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A journey inspired by a smart aleck

Several years ago, while living on the Oregon coast, a friend of mine worked in a gas station.  Tourists would often ask him where to find good lobster.

For those who don't know, lobster aren't found on the west coast; the water just isn't right for them.

My friend would instruct the unwitting customers to head north to Newport and hang a right on US Rt.20.  Assuring them that it was a long drive, he promised that if they followed it to the end, they were sure to find good lobster.  What he failed to tell them was that the end of Rt.20 is in Boston, Mass.

I often wondered how many people followed his directions, at least a few miles into the mountains before realizing that they were the butt of a potentially expensive joke.

I have though for years that this would be a good premise for a novel, so after mulling it over I have decided to take that trip to see what I can find.

Not wanting to spend a fortune on gas and also wanting to really see everything, I have decided make the journey on bicycle.

 I will be leaving for Portland, OR on a train, Friday May 13, arriving in Portland on Monday the 16th.  From there, I will be riding to the  coast, then south to Newport, where I will begin the journey east.

 I will be posting blogs and photos along the way, and hope to build a network of sorts, linking people along the way.


  1. This sounds like a true James adventure. I envy your time and freedom to do what your heart says and wish you well on this I suspect arduous journey

  2. May you get what you deserve - and I feel that you deserve all the best that this world has to offer.
