Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Still enjoying Washington

I'm not sure what the weather is doing in North Dakota, or if the water has receded yet, but while I'm waiting, I am enjoying the cool mountain air and learning to build drums.  Here's a link to the website of Cedar Mountain Drums, whose drums I've been working on and  who owns the property.  http://dev.cedarmountaindrums.com/cedar_mountain_drums_Workshop.htm

So far my closest run in with local wildlife was last night when a bald faced hornet got inside my tent while I was getting ready for bed.  Not too exciting, but it made me a little uneasy as I couldn't verify that I had gotten it out.  Wasn't stung during the night. 

Thursday, June 2, 2011


While waiting for the water to recede in North Dakota, I'm spending a few days in the mountains of southern Washington.  Found some beautiful oyster mushrooms and mossy trees while hiking in the woods.  Going to have an omelette with eggs laid by hens right here on the property and wild harvested mushrooms picked to order.  Beautiful day. I will upload some pictures soon.